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Bag of Apricots

Journey Through Life a Page at a Time


Discover Delicious Recipes

Growing up, I never saw my mother using a recipe to make her meals. Yet they always tasted so flavorful and seemed to be put together without much effort. I never saw her grabbing a cookbook or using much in the way of measuring utensils. She just seemed to know how much of everything that was needed. A pinch of this, a dash of that and tasting as she went. When I was old enough, I starting cooking like that, but I wasn't as confident as she was so I did use recipes to help me. But I never stuck to a recipe completely. Something told me that maybe I needed more of this, or maybe the dish would taste better if I added or substituted an ingredient. 9 times out of 10, my dish came out better than I expected and I think it was because of the way I saw my mother cooking.


I would love for you to share any recipes you have. I am always looking at new dishes to try. Not that I'm any kind of culinary expert at all. It's just that I get tired of making the same few dishes all the time and would like to expand my horizons. Any and all ideas/recipes are welcome!

About Me

I have always wanted to create a blog but I just wasn't sure if I had anything interesting to say. I mean, what if I put the blog out there for all to see only to have no one comment or even look at it? Would that mean that I wasn't worthy of having a blog? Or that my stories weren't worth reading? It's terrible to have those feelings of doubt and to have that inner voice telling me "No! Don't do it! You don't have anything to say! Why put yourself out there like that?" It's so easy to give up without even trying. So, despite my best efforts not to do this, I have decided to take the plunge. I figured enough time has gone by and I'm not getting any younger. I need to be brave enough to follow through and start sharing parts of myself so that I can heal wounds that run deep, ask for help or advice when I need it and also try to help others along the way.


I live in Michigan but am originally from Texas. Even as I write that, I'm reminded in my mind that my husband says that I'm a true Michigander because I have lived in Michigan a lot longer than I lived in Texas. I am 62 years old, am married and had one son who was born with special needs. He was with us for 22 years and I miss him every single day. My heart will never heal from losing him. We had many great adventures and also some scary moments. Life with my son was never dull and I tried very hard to give him a good life. I know that he's in a special place now having adventures with heavenly family members and friends. I know he isn't in pain anymore and that he's whole.

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